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The Magic Bag: The Parenting Hack You Didn't Know You Needed

Parenting • Apr 20, 2023 12:00:00 PM • Written by: Bethany Correia

If you're a parent or a caregiver and you don't have a magic bag stashed away, you are missing out! This is one of the greatest parenting hacks, whether your kiddo is neurotypical or neurodivergent, has autism or doesn't, is little or big - you need a magic bag. This little beauty is going to buy you hours of occupied time and is incredibly helpful for days you're sick, for family holidays and events, for vacations and road trips and more. It only takes about 10 minutes to set up and will buy you hours of occupied time. 

Here's how to prepare and use the magic bag. 

Making Your Magic Bag

Let’s start with making the magic bag.

The magic bag is full of things your kiddo(s) have never played with. Think: birthday party favors, gifts from birthdays and holidays you were able to tuck away. And, old friends. Think: toys from the past that they have not seen in months or even a year.

The key to the magic bag is to set it up before you need it.

Set it up when you're healthy and you've got about 10 minutes to spare. And yes, it really is that quick!

You will need:

  • 10 large bags: Gallon-sized plastic bags, brown paper lunch bags or grocery store bags will work.
  • 1 small bag or small covered container
  • Scraps of paper
  • Marker
  • Tape
  • Toys, snacks and activity supplies 

How to make a "Magic Bag":

Step 1: Grab your scrap paper and write two sets of numbers (1-10) on the paper.paper-numbers-one-to-ten

Step 2: Fold one set of numbers so you can't see the number on it and put them in a small baggie or small covered container or bowl.jar-of-paper-numbers

Step 3: Fill each bag with a snack/drink, toy, or activity that can occupy your kiddo(s) for at least 20 minutes. If it occupies them longer, even better. 

Filled Magic Bags

Step 4: With the other set of numbers, tape one number to each bag.timer-20-minutes

Step 5: That's it! Now just put all the bags in a box/bag for easy storage, and stash them away for later.  


Now I know some of you are saying: "I do not have time to coordinate all these bags and numbers, I am a busy human!"

Yes, you are. But don't stress about getting it all done in one sitting. You can add to this over time. Next time you get a duplicative gift, a favor bag that the kids don't really need, or you put toys aside that they don't play with anymore... toss them in the "magic bag" (or box). 

Trust us, the ten-minute investment is worth it. When you are sick at 2 am, about to head out on a road trip, or grandparents are over for dinner and the kids are antsy, you will instantly think, “THE MAGIC BAG!” and you’ll make it through with more ease. 

How to use the Magic Bag:

Step 1: Take out the small baggie or container with the folder papers in them. jar-of-numbers
Step 2: Ask your children to pick a number paper-number-10


Step 3: Give them the bag with the same number on it and let them open it. Make it sound exciting, and let them open it like it's a present at a party. bag-number-10


Step 4) Set a timer for 20-30 min. Tell them that when the timer goes off, they can pick a new number timer

Some special notes about using the Magic Bag: 

  1. If you're children are old enough or it will make sense to them developmentally, tell them that they have to play quietly in order to get a new bag. But only do that if it will work for your kiddo. You probably don't want to start teaching a new skill while you're sick or on vacation, and you don't want to say something that you can't follow through on. 
  2. If you need more time and your children will attend to something longer, put snacks in a bag with a show or movie title written on a piece of paper. When they open the bag, they get to watch the movie/show and eat the snacks. 

That's it! You can keep the magic bag going all day or as long as you need it.  

Just remember to replenish your magic bag supplies after you use it.  

When to use the Magic Bag:

Here are some ideas for when to pull out the magic bag:

On a sick day. So it's 2 AM, you're hugging the toilet and thinking: What am I going to do with the kids today?! Use the magic bag! More about this in our full parent sick day survival guide

When you're traveling. Summer road trip coming up? Plane travel ahead? Magic bags are great for keeping little one occupied during your next vacation. 

At your next family gathering. Family dinner coming up at grandma's house? Family reunion in the plans? Or dinner with new friends? Bring your magic bags! Keep your little ones occupied during the "boring" parts of family gatherings. Plus, if your kiddo is neurodivergent, it can be a great way to help them segment the day / evening and plan their time. You can set the expectation that after bag number 10, you're headed home. 

Waiting at the doctor's office (or anywhere that requires waiting). Long waits are tough with small kiddos, and even harder with our neurodivergent friends. Bringing along a magic bag or two can help the time go by faster and easier for kids and parents. 

The magic bag is an incredibly flexible tool and comes in handy in lots of different scenarios. Do your future self a favor and find a few minutes this weekend to stash away some toys and snacks. They'll thank you later.

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Bethany Correia

Bethany Correia is the founder and CEO of the Robert Grey Center. Bethany brings over 30 years experience in a wide variety of teaching environments, including working with and advocating for people with disabilities. Over the years, she’s seen too many families forced to make these hard choices and not get the support they need to truly flourish. She started the Robert Grey Center to create a place where kids with autism can thrive and families get the support they need, without the hard choices.